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About Us

Modern & Trusted Logistics Company

Along with the rapid economic growth in our country, which has an impact on the high demand for products, services and services, the need for distribution of goods and products is increasing in line with the high demand from the market.
PT Translog Sinergi Utama is present as a shipping and transportation service company in Indonesia that can provide solutions for your company, we as a transportation service provider strive to bridge suppliers / producers with customers / consumers with the best service from us.
PT Translog Sinergi Utama, is a private company established in Jakarta in 2022 engaged in land transportation delivery services for Java, Bali, Sumatra. With competent, experienced management and also an extensive network in their field.


Dalam menjalankan setiap aktivitas, kami selalu berpegang teguh pada prinsip-prinsip yang mengarah pada terciptanya kepuasan pelanggan.

  • Fokus pada kepuasan pelanggan
  • Tanggung jawab
  • Kepercayaan
  • Kerjasama team
  • Improvement

PT. Translog Sinergi Utama was established in 2022 with the aim of serving all logistics services throughout Indonesia.

With all the experience we have and also the support from our customers PT Translog Sinergi Utama continues to strive to provide the best service / service for our customers, because customer satisfaction is everything for us.

Become a trusted partner for customers in transportation services.

To be a solution to the ever-increasing need for transportation services.

Play an active role in providing the best service to customers.

We strive to always focus on customer needs.

We continue to strive to provide the best service supported by a quality fleet.


Company Statistics

We Are Professional Logistics
& Transportations Agency



Product Delivery


Wide Destination Area


Modern Transport


Our Team Member

Meet Our Expert
Team Member

Bpk. Handre Devid

President Director

Ibu Hani Widayanti


Bpk. Ananda Soetrisno

President Commissioner


Our Customers

Customers Who Trust Us

Gudang Ada
Gudang Ada adalah aplikasi B2B ecommerce yang menghubungkan grosir dan eceran di seluruh Indonesia.
PT. Kandakawana Sakti
Perusahaan yang didirikan pada 1 Mei 2004, memiliki spesialisasi dalam jasa pengecatan plastik. Memiliki 2 lini produksi dan saat ini KWS mempekerjakan lebih dari 100 karyawan.
PT. Wahana Laju Ekspres
Koperasi Jasa Amanah LPPOM MUI
PT. Mitsui Global Logisitics Indonesia
PT. Iron Bird Logistics
PT. Eracipta Bangun Perkasa
Shipper ID
Shipper adalah perusahaan logistik di Indonesia yang memberikan layanan dari mulai jasa pengiriman, gudang sampai manajemen toko online.
CPPETINDO, salah satu bisnis PT Central Proteina Prima, Tbk (CP Prima) adalah produsen & distributor makanan hewan.
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